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marketing blog

emel_writes has been on the back burner for a long time (perhaps, far too long) but then, everything must manifest in its own due time. ​So, here is your access to my research, views, experiences, and knowledge (take a pick) of advertising and marketing through case study analysis.​​


My love for advertising started as a child when I would watch advertisements on television shows and think about the how's the why's.  During high school, getting a degree in Business Administration with a Marketing Major became my goal.​​ While that took its sweet time to manifest (another story, for another day), when it finally did, I found myself most intrigued by the marketing case studies I got to analyse and ended up staying subscribed to many of the websites that I had used for research.​​


Let's skip the next 18 years until I had time to rekindle my passion for the science behind the art. ​    And, now, here it is to share with anyone and everyone who is keen to observe, analyse, discuss or even collaborate.​​


marketing blog


I am starting emel_writes with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences. Starting out as weekly posts, I aim that the blog evolves into a dynamic site packed with information about various topics that interest you and me (and sometimes my cat), irrespective of which part of the globe we may be in. ​


Do take time to explore the blog and see for yourself what makes you curious and eager.  I encourage readers to comment on the posts that they read and feel free to share their views and experiences and (secretly) wish that students will find this blog useful when they are on the lookout for case studies.​​


I hope that young girls will benefit from some of the analysis I share here on how consumer behaviour is analysed, a demographic targeted and products priced accordingly.​​


I hope young men will come to realise that they just didn't pick that shirt up because it's black, blue or grey (like the rest of their closet) but how advertising through the years has trained their minds to do so.​​


I hope homemakers will be able to understand why their staple household products are new and improved every now and then.​​


And finally, I hope that consumers in general will not be guided by what they think they know but what they out to know.​​ But most of all, I hope that marketers, advertisers and businesses, in general, will be able to connect better with their consumers by making and selling products, services and experiences that consumers need, not want.​​

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*the views expressed in this marketing blog are based on my own online research and case study analysis; without the influence of corporates or media

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